Zurich Insurance
Welcome to Zurich Insurance Podcasts Series
Podcasting since 2020 • 51 episodes
Zurich Insurance
Latest Episodes
Economic and market implications of the US election outcome on the US, Eurozone and China
In the recent podcast, our experts explore the economic and market implications of the outcome of the US election on the US, Eurozone and China. Håkan Hedström, Head of Asia Pacific Market StrategyRoss Hutchison, Head of ...

Spain's captive evolution
In this recent podcast, our experts explore the growing interest in captives among Spanish companies and broader trends across Europe. They discuss the potential for Spain to emerge as the next major captive domicile. The conversation also delv...

Securing the Journey - Mastering Supply Chain Security in an Evolving Risk Landscape
In a world where globalization and digital transformation are making our supply chains more interconnected than ever, the importance of robust security measures cannot be overstated. It's not just about ensuring the smooth flow of goods and ser...

Protection Gaps series - Episode 1: The role of innovation in closing protection gaps
Protection gaps are the divide between economic losses and the insured coverage available to mitigate them. Climate related protection gaps are widening. There's an increase in frequency and severity of extreme weather events and natural disast...

Por ti - Promover o bem-estar mental: uma responsabilidade da liderança
Helene Westerlind, CEO da Zurich Portugal, é a convidada do sexto episódio do podcast “Por ti”, onde partilha a sua visão sobre o papel dos líderes na promoção do bem-estar mental e o compromisso assumido pela Zurich Portugal em relação ...
Season 1
Episode 6